Kingsbury Pagination is one of the only pagination firms to offer fixed fee pagination to our law firm clients.
Unlike many other pagination firms who charge on an hourly rate, Kingsbury Pagination are totally transparent about our charges and offer a fixed fee scale based on the number of pages in the bundle. This ensures that our clients are aware of the likely pagination fee before they instruct us, which helps with obtaining authority from ATE insurers and avoids any unexpected large invoices as can happen on an hourly rate!
Our fixed fee scale leads to an average pagination fee of just £345 plus VAT, which is a saving of more than 40% on the cost of most other pagination firms.
All fees are subject to terms and conditions.
Pages | Fee (plus VAT) |
Cost of hyperlink chronology
(plus VAT) |
1 – 500 | £300 | + £50 |
501 - 1000 | £400 | + £60 |
1001 - 1500 | £500 | + £70 |
1501 - 2000 | £660 | + £80 |
2001 - 2500 | £770 | + £90 |
2501 - 3000 | £880 | + £100 |
3001 - 3500 | £990 | + £110 |
3501 - 4000 | £1100 | + £120 |
4001 - 4500 | £1210 | + £130 |
4501 - 5000 | £1320 | + £140 |
5001 - | £1650 | + £150 |
We always record the number of hours taken to allow our clients to claim for our time at Grade D rates should they wish.
Analysis of the first 12 months of use of the fixed fee scale has shown that the fixed fee scale above is equivalent to an hourly rate of just £35 plus VAT.
One of the benefits of Kingsbury Pagination being run by a Solicitor is the knowledge of the major pressures of running a Clinical Negligence caseload.
Most who work in the industry will agree that managing cash-flow, for what can often be several years while the case progresses can be very challenging. It is often the case that with medical records, pagination, experts’ fees and Court fees the average case is carrying over £3000 of disbursements before Trial is even contemplated. Funding this, on a wider caseload can be very difficult indeed.
We have worked hard to tailor our business to be able to offer 2 year credit terms to our clients as standard. We have arrangements in place with finance providers to ensure that we are able to offer credit to law firms in this way.
Moreover, we do not make any additional charge for credit. Many other pagination firms who offer extended credit terms do so only by increasing their hourly rate, often by close to 50%.
Such an arrangement carries with it tremendous risk to the law firm, as it is highly unlikely that, at the conclusion of the case, the ATE insurer or losing Defendant will be willing to pay an extra, say, 20% per hour that was incurred to give the law firm credit. In such circumstances, the law firm will likely end up paying more than it would have cost to borrow the money anyway.
We offer a completely transparent, straightforward arrangement with our client firms. Where the Claimant has the benefit of ATE insurance (or some other form of funding), subject to acceptance we offer to complete the work and defer payment for 2 years or to conclusion of the case, whichever is sooner.
If you would like more information regarding these credit terms please contact us on 0121 506 8947 or by completing the email contact details here.
If you have a new clinical negligence case coming up and need expert medical pagination & interpretation then give our team a call or send us an email.